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At the end of the course you will create a web app look likes below,
Day 1: Introduction to Laravel and Setup
- Overview of Laravel: Benefits and features.
- Environment Setup: Installing PHP, Composer, and Laravel. Setting up a local development environment with Laravel Valet or Homestead.
- Laravel Project Structure: Understanding the directory structure and the purpose of different files and folders.
- Basic Routing: Handling requests with basic routes.
Day 2: Controllers and Views
- Controllers: Creating controllers and writing actions.
- Views: Building views using Blade template engine, passing data to views.
- Routing to Controllers: Defining routes that point to controller actions.
Day 3: Models and Database Interaction
- Eloquent ORM: Introduction to Eloquent, model creation, and ORM benefits.
- Migrations: Managing the database with migrations.
- Seeding: Using seeders to populate the database.
- CRUD Operations: Creating, reading, updating, and deleting database records.
Day 4: Authentication
- Authentication Basics: Setting up authentication using Laravel Breeze or Jetstream.
- User Registration and Login: Handling new user registration and user authentication.
- Password Reset: Implementing password recovery functionality.
Day 5: Advanced Models and Relationships
- Eloquent Relationships: Defining relationships between models (hasOne, hasMany, belongsTo, manyToMany).
- Eager Loading: Improving query performance with eager loading.
- Mutators and Accessors: Customizing how model attributes are set and retrieved.
Day 6: Middleware, Requests, and Responses
- Middleware: Creating and using middleware for request filtering.
- Form Requests: Validating user input using form request classes.
- Responses: Returning different types of responses (views, JSON).
Day 7: Task Scheduling, Events, and Notifications
- Task Scheduling: Setting up command scheduling to automate tasks.
- Events and Listeners: Implementing events and listeners for action-driven responses.
- Notifications: Sending notifications via email, SMS, or other channels.
Day 8: Testing and Deployment
- Testing: Writing tests with PHPUnit and Laravel’s testing facilities.
- Deployment: Deploying a Laravel application to a production server.
- Best Practices: Security, performance, and maintainable code practices.