MECM Introduction

1994 – SMS, 2007 – SCCM & MECM – 2019

Management – Asset, Client & Administartive Features

Sites – Central Administration Site Server, Primary Site Server & Secondary Site Server

CAS only manages PS & need 2012 or greater server.

PS is mandatory & SS for different network.

SS DB replicate with PS DB.

SQL Server Express is free.

SCCM Site Roles >>>

Management Point : Between SCCM Server & clients & can be installed in a seperate server too.

Distrbution Point : Content storage & client will download content from nearest DP & can be installed on win client (win 10/11) too.

Software Update Point : Bridge between SCCM & WSUS & this is not mandatory role.

SMS Provider : SCCM use WMI & DB use SQL, so SMS is the translator.

Asset Intelligence Synchronization Point : To categorize the software & optional.

Endpoint Protection Point : To manage windows defender & optional.

Reporting Services Point : Reports from Database to SCCM & should be installed on Database server.

Service Connection Point : To upgrade SCCM & to communicate with Azure and this is also optional.

State Migration Point : Capture client & Resotre, (Ex-upgrade win 7 to win 11 with users file restoring) and optional.

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