
Reference : When you concurrently manage devices with both Configuration Manager and Microsoft Intune, this configuration is called co-management. Public Label

Learn about sensitivity labels

Reference : Default sensitivity labels : Label name Label description for users Settings Personal Non-business data, for personal use only. Scope: Files & other data assets, Emails, Meetings* Content marking: No Auto-labeling: No Group settings: No Site settings:…

Dirty Bit

A volume’s dirty bit indicates that the file system may be in an inconsistent state. This can happen when: The dirty bit is used to track which pages of a database have been modified but not yet written to disk. During recovery or…

SharePoint – Recover Deleted Site

Connect-SPOService Get-SPODeletedSiteConnecting to SharePont Admin URLConnect-SPOService Get-SPODeletedSite -IncludePersonalSite Restore-SPODeletedSite -Identity Connect-SPOService (Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell) | Microsoft Learn Get-SPODeletedSite (Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell) | Microsoft Learn Restore-SPODeletedSite (Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell) | Microsoft Learnhas context menu

Microsoft Entra Connect

User Sign-In Options: Single Sign-On (SSO) Option: There is an additional checkbox labeled “Enable single sign-on”. This option, when selected, enables single sign-on for users on corporate networks, reducing the need for them to repeatedly enter their credentials when accessing…

Local Domain Joined Windows Devices to Intune

Managing local domain-joined Windows devices using Microsoft Intune provides organizations with a powerful way to implement modern device management and leverage cloud-based policies, security, and compliance features. This approach is beneficial for organizations that want to continue using their existing…

Microsoft Data Loss Prevention – DLP

Data security is a top priority for every organization, especially when it comes to safeguarding sensitive information. Microsoft Data Loss Prevention (DLP) is a robust solution designed to help organizations prevent the unintended sharing or transmission of sensitive data. Whether…

බෞද්ධ ආර්ථික දර්ශනය

මෙය උපුටා ගැනීමකි : දැහැමින් ධනය ඉපයිය හැකි ද? ජීවිතයේ පරම සැපය නිර්වාණය ලෙස බුදු දහමින් දක්වා ඇතත් මෙලොව ජීවිතය සැපවත් කරගත යුතු ආකාරය ද නොයෙකුත් සූත්‍ර දේශනාවන්හිදී පෙන්වා දී ඇත. අපගේ මෙලොව ජීවිතය සැපවත් කරගැනීමට නම් ධනය, එනම්…