Chamara Priyadarshana

Chamara Priyadarshana

Local Domain Joined Windows Devices to Intune

Managing local domain-joined Windows devices using Microsoft Intune provides organizations with a powerful way to implement modern device management and leverage cloud-based policies, security, and compliance features. This approach is beneficial for organizations that want to continue using their existing…

Microsoft Data Loss Prevention – DLP

Data security is a top priority for every organization, especially when it comes to safeguarding sensitive information. Microsoft Data Loss Prevention (DLP) is a robust solution designed to help organizations prevent the unintended sharing or transmission of sensitive data. Whether…

බෞද්ධ ආර්ථික දර්ශනය

මෙය උපුටා ගැනීමකි : දැහැමින් ධනය ඉපයිය හැකි ද? ජීවිතයේ පරම සැපය නිර්වාණය ලෙස බුදු දහමින් දක්වා ඇතත් මෙලොව ජීවිතය සැපවත් කරගත යුතු ආකාරය ද නොයෙකුත් සූත්‍ර දේශනාවන්හිදී පෙන්වා දී ඇත. අපගේ මෙලොව ජීවිතය සැපවත් කරගැනීමට නම් ධනය, එනම්…

git Essentials

1. git init This command initializes a new Git repository locally in your current directory. It creates a new .git directory where all Git metadata and objects will be stored. This is the first command you run when you start…

MySQL not starting in XAMPP

MySQL may not start if its data files are corrupted. If MySQL was not shut down properly, it may cause issues on restart. 1) rename xampp\mysql\data => xampp\mysql\data_old 2) create new folder xampp\mysql\data 3) copy everything from xampp\mysql\backup to xampp\mysql\data…

Backup Active Directory

Active Directory is critical for authentication, authorization, and user management. Ensure its integrity by performing these steps: Option 1 : System State Backup The System State includes Active Directory, the registry, COM+ class registration database, boot files, and the SYSVOL…

To Intune from Third Party MDM

Devices should only have one MDM provider. Users must unenroll their devices from the current MDM provider before they enroll in Intune. Reference : Example : From MobileIron to Intune Assess your current MobileIron setup, including device configurations, applications,…